Sunday, May 20, 2012

Flying Bird

Inspired by someone on YouTube named ISOGAWAYoshihito, here is a flying bird similar to his. Instead of using wind from the wings to propel the bird, it's using gears and axles to move. I originally tried using using the wings to move, but it was wasn't enough to get the bird to move.

Here is a video of the completed bird.

The riders, and the rotating platform.

Rider flying on a bird (The wings can flap)

Another rider flying on a glider.

The complexity of securing the rotating platform to the base without it falling apart.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Portal 1 & 2

Portal is a video game that challenges you to exit a room with the use of blue and orange portals in a first person shooter format.Even though I have never played portal, I have recreated some of the characters from Portal 1 and Portal 2 with research from the internet.

This is Turret, an obstacle in the game that tries to shoot you. 

This is Peabody, one of the icons of the game. Unfortunately, my LEGO Peabody cannot stand because his feet are small.

This is Atlas, another icon of Portal. It's very easy to attach his arms to the body at that precise angle. 

This is Wheatley, a helper in the first half of Portal 2, and a traitor in the 2nd half.

Here is the portal gun. It uses pieces of different types to make this. 

Here is the companion cube. This is to help you hold down buttons in the levels. 

In Portal 1, the test examiner wants to reward you with cake, but on one of the walls of the building, it tells you "The cake is a lie..."

Here's a photo of all of my Portal creations. Is there enough cake for all of them, or is the cake really a lie...?

Friday, May 11, 2012

Oil Pump

Here is an oil pump that mechanically works; however, it doesn't actually pump. It uses some Technic parts, and a power functions motor.