Sunday, April 22, 2012

Vehicle Gallery

Here is a collection of white cars which includes the concept car that I posted awhile back. I made many in all different sizes.

Here is a simple skateboard you can probably make just by looking at this picture. He can go on the tracks too!

Here is the human transporter. This shows another two wheeled vehicle just like the bicycle. 

Inspired by a vehicle in Star Wars, I made a similar design. He 's coming from a strong source of light...

Also inspired by the pod racers in Star Wars, this is a somewhat similar design of a pod and 2 engines in the front. 

Avoiding the plane is a three-wheeled vehicle. I'm not sure what this vehicle is called. Please comment if you know what it is. 

Here is a golf cart parked in the grass. It has room under the ceiling for the driver and the club, and the ball can go in the back. 

In pursuit of invaders, this concept car was redesigned to allow a wider interior, and weapons to attached to the vehicle. 

This is the owner's collection of vehicles. What is your favorite?

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